You love me than you leave me alone

You love me than you leave me alone

You give me flowers,
you give me pleasure.
You give me attention,
making me feel like a treasure.

You make me feel like I'm the only one.
Am I the only one?

You telling me all the beautiful lies,
It's too sweet to be true.
All the shiny smiles,
And still only thing we do is screw.

You're laying next to me,
But you're not mine.
How much harder it can be,
pretend to be just fine.

I know I should be wiser,
but my desire chases me again.
I want you for myself, maybe I'm miser,
you're like a tattoo in my brain.

So please, when you go, take with you my pain
Because I no more can't bear the strain
Autor Innoncent, 29.06.2021
Přečteno 166x
Tipy 6
Poslední tipující: chalcedon, mkinka, Nao Kinjú
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Very beautiful

12.10.2021 05:16:05 | chalcedon

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