Life, Love and Hope

Life, Love and Hope

Anotace: Just follow your heart and all your dreams came true.

Three years ago, I was sad. I don't have a friends and I was nobody.
Two years ago, everything was different. I was in a bus on my way home and I met a guy. He invited me for a date. I said yes.
One year ago, I had one year anniversary of my relationship with the most kind and handsome boy.
Today, I'm happier than I ever was. I have a man, who was, is and also always will be my first love. He gave me two great children which I love the most.
If you're alone now, it doesn't mean that you always be. You just had to believe, that sometimes miracles happening. You had to have hope, because than you found everything what you're looking for. Life is a great thing and you should start live a life, that you always wanted to live.
Autor Romi176, 22.01.2019
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