Final preset

Final preset

Anotace: notion of observations being observed by obserser from quantum or fractal perspective.

End of life. inspiration expired. experience come to the last script written by fluctuant. story begins to reflect itself. the mythical structure of atom. atomic legends opened pages of divination plants. transcriptor existen only for living moment of archaic preset. notion of being bilingualy observed by elite observers of time space fluctuating capitals. streams of omnia selected by opia.

Comments has been disabled on the motherscreen board, little characters getting darker and older from poind of cosmic perspective. Fraltal hoods and omnipotent forest howling from motherboard script. Parrots animated by grey dwarfs and fundamental acid skysquirrels. Hacienda full of madmans. some older psychiatrist asking what kind of story is this.

On the corner of mental breakdown. Woman with all kind of senzory disorders. Character of me being planted by or into hidden invisible cube. Two eyes from cubes glittering in the space. Performer being deflored by unknown matter. Jellyfishes and jetpack flying into future. On the desk stands still and written aftet being burned stay after cremation of timed sandmans handwritting.

On the riviera seashore. guy with thousand faces. strange figure in the lonely hat coming by. on the camera lens mikroscopic spy. disharmonic dogs dancing in the space cabin. Binaural seas full of relaxing apes and pesants on dmt tripping and passing by chaints of bodies circulating jetback. Man with astral guillotine enjoing sentimental flashback in hamaka.

Lady in the forrest being impregnated by aliens and cheesy beats. Eaters of heaven pointing atmosfere its own direction. Noing of timeless thoughts being erected into fractal womb of time. Nameless comb being hacked by lunatics and insane believers. Livers and arczic stonec full of magic mushrooms. Parots and chasing cakes in revolutionairy movie seeing in spacecraft.

Autonomous cangaro in the delirium pushed to the ordinary limits of nanobiological procces. Spured inmaterial purity of deep melancholia from fractal void. Milions of present minds in the capacity of one. native salamandres dressing the river of submarine halucination. Gigantic mainframe being caught as religious relict as civil act.

Carmic dreamer in new atatement behind questioning politics.

Secend farmaceutic revolution being sucked into wormhole created by vacuum imploder. Dermal maelstorm in aim of grail sculptures partitury. saints and medusas in cacoon of sanctuary sanctum. Corpus delicty of automechanic dream. Realms strangery toughtless spider web anatomy in holospherical lingery schemes.

Paragraph seven. Storyboard four. Stoned bakery droid. Druid in the elevator calling fractal ambulance. YFabulous omnipotent monsterous mystery man with sharp stick from armpit marble. Levandule in the universary graves. Vessels from astronauts being reincarnated by nacist mad scientis. Strong crushet delicacy extinction of excitement by loving moment of swirling periscula girl with pitch in the resampling body of timeless legacy.
Autor Happyyz, 29.08.2015
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