Be my planet...

Be my planet...

Anotace: And I will be your moon.

More than your sun...
I want to be your moon.
Touching your orbits,
enjoying all your beauties,
exploring all your flaws
so little,
they exist just so
you are not too much perfect...

Discovering your fogs, mindtains,
ups and downs.

Moving your oceans.

being around for you...
So you can reach for my hand. we can dance together
for eternity.
Autor Descardea, 23.04.2023
Přečteno 110x
Tipy 2
Poslední tipující: rybka, mkinka
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23.04.2023 19:10:41 | rybka

good, but there are too many pronouns for me .) sorry jako .)

23.04.2023 13:02:17 | Constantine

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