Pebble (Oblázek)

Pebble (Oblázek)

Anotace: V písmo tesané smutné naděje. (anglicky)

Pebble (Oblázek)

There's a pebble buried in the sand,
he's dying!

It's a lonesome stone,
laying where the rill used to flow.
He had been harsh and hard,
cold like coming from ore yard.
When happened something weird
he became free as a bird.
And he met the water.

He was stroked by the rill
it has fulfiled all his will.
Once in the stone's life
he was truly happy.

He polished, smoothed up,
he drank the favour cup.
He came to know a life.

When the rill has gone,
leaving the pebble in the sand.
Oh! Please! No!
It mustn't be the end.

(Toto je podvod kvůli diakritice: ěščřžýáíé, nečtěte)
Autor Demedalex, 25.08.2007
Přečteno 310x
Tipy 0
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I don't think that any boy should take it,
I'm that woken pebble, I don't fake it.

30.08.2007 13:02:00 | Demedalex

one day
a boy will come
and instead of play
he takes it home :o)

30.08.2007 11:07:00 | Hesiona-Essylt

tak takovej frajer zas nejsem hele ! ;)

29.08.2007 00:23:00 | anti-HERO

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