

Anotace: ...tak trochu. 22/3/2016

The night brought the comfort of dark
and I was looking at his face, touching his ear, kissing his neck
whispering to myself
This is not just an illusion
and it's calm and pure
burning in my soul with neverending explosion
And I don't know if he's real, if I'm real, if we're ever gonna be
but now I'm safe
And I was just looking at his face
that pretty face which could hurt me with a single blink
And I don't mind
Kissing his neck, listening to the beat of his heart
sometimes dead, always lonely
which he chose to be
or didn't because life is just a cycle and we do what we have to do
We need to survive, and be true
And I was lying in the darkness beside him, wide awake
feeling his soul, giving it colours
trying to remember the lives that passed long ago
that times we've met before
And I'm sure, for the music of his mind, for those eyes and his touch,
for the pain and for the ancient spells
I would fall for him every time or life
Autor E.deN, 22.03.2016
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