Him - far away..

Him - far away..

Anotace: ...Casablanca - Maroco

I read what you wrote,
the words which heat like a cote,
I think that you already know what love is,
everything you can say in one kiss...

Just one deep look in your eyes,
and everything seems so nice,
Just one honest hug,
love is really like a drug...

Even if you´re far away,
there is something what I want say,
Anywhere you will be,
your smile allways I will see...

Even if I don´t know who you are,
you´re the one shining star,
which I now watching on the sky...

And maybe one day,
I will can say,
that everything what I said,
was a true with color red

(ž,š,č,ř - nevnímejte to, musí tu být diakritika aby šla báseň přidat... Prozdradíte mi někdo, jak nad tenhle systém vyzrát? :D)
Autor Janetee, 04.08.2011
Přečteno 271x
Tipy 0
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...doufala jsem,že jen název je anglicky...takhle jí nemůžu ocenit i když tuším,že může být krásná..

04.08.2011 14:11:00 | Lada 2

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