Never the eternity

Never the eternity

Anotace: 24/11/2015 *

How does it taste to be the one
who's leaving everyone behind
just to feel alive
just to feel strong enough
just to realize it's nothing
but an illusion
and the ache in your head
falls down to your chest
where the heart should be
but is nowhere to find

How does it taste to be the one
who's loved by a broken girl
it makes you sick
or long for more, more, more
never for the eternity
or get lost in the raindrops
washing the makeup off of your face
painting black tears
and they're the only tears
to fall from your eyes

How does it taste to be the one
standing there with all those strangers
who knows you at all
maybe I'm not good enough to help
but who's gonna help me
with all the pulsating pain
and no sleep
we can get lost and then find
what the world has for us
never the eternity

How does it taste to be the one
who's leaving everyone behind
does it hurt, being afraid
always thinking about the death
and I miss you so
you selfish fool
but I'll say never again
for you are the one
and it tastes like poison
flowing under your bruised skin
Autor E.deN, 24.11.2015
Přečteno 365x
Tipy 4
Poslední tipující: Freak, Samantha Graham, FroniXY
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