




Meet friendly flow,

conect with a purifying snow.


Catch it once in a row,

the cutest feeling grow.


Use fenix's glow.

Emptiness must throw.


Existence of being get low.

Life brings fresh blow.


Solitude, poison of widow.

No worries. Flame of purity follow.


Miracle of life makes show.

Uplifting rebirth insinde window.


Answer for this mystery know.

Live for peaceful now.



Autor MrPterodaktyl, 21.04.2021
Přečteno 180x
Tipy 2
Poslední tipující: mkinka
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Krásné a čteno s potěšením .

02.07.2021 21:52:10 | mkinka

Diky Ti:) psano z hecu, kamarad chorvat me vystengroval, Aby vse koncilo na "ou" :)

02.07.2021 21:55:06 | MrPterodaktyl

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