Thank Me

Thank Me

Anotace: I used to thank my Ego. Then I used to thank everyone else. But this time the only person I really wanna thank is Me. Because when it comes down to it, our Choices are the only choices that really count.


I've lost you words

Somewhere in the middle

Of a storm

And maybe it was me

Who let you go

I don't know



All I know

Is that

I have you back

My dear Heart

And I shall hold thee

Light and love thee

For as my dusks

And as many dawns

I'm yet about to see

For I myself

Am my Destiny


And only if I do love Me

I can be worthy

Of the love

Others might wanna

Give me



Autor Denael, 29.05.2021
Přečteno 112x
Tipy 1
Poslední tipující: Vivien
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Přeložila jsem si, ze zvědavosti. Pro mě by to anglicky lahodilo v písni.

29.05.2021 20:56:15 | Vivien

Děkuji. Plánuji časem i českou variantu

29.05.2021 22:01:14 | Denael

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