Kiss you

Kiss you

Anotace: Nic extra, ale zdálo se mi to ve snu :D

All day long, I would like to kiss you on the lips
cause there´s not a moment with you i wanna miss
Only your sweet angel kiss
is for me eternal bliss

I need to kiss you on the cheak
because you´re my little chick
I would like to kiss you on the neck
cause why not, what the heck

I would love to hug you
because I really love you
and I wanna be with you for eternity
cause it´s kinda necesity

That´s all I wanna say
there is nothing I wouldn´t pay
You just need to stay
cause it´s part of play

Autor Gargak, 23.02.2023
Přečteno 113x
Tipy 7
Poslední tipující: Ondra, Fractura cordis aperta, Bufik, mkinka
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Thanks for very nice poem :)

Have you nice day :)

01.03.2023 20:58:38 | Ondra

23.02.2023 21:36:12 | mkinka

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