Mirror of the Rain

Mirror of the Rain

Anotace: There is always bottom where we will fall in the end

I am sorry for what happened
and I know that I'm not in the right.
How to describe that my body
is trying to deceive my pride?

In the rain reflects our life,
what we want and what we can't have.
And in each drop is a bottom,
where we'll fall in the end.

The mirrors of the Rain
they show us our life
And by each crime which we made
is teaching us how to stay alive.

And I'd want it back,
the loneliness is killing me.
But it's not at all my fault
it's yours too, my dear.

Loneliness is worse than being alone,
then rain turns into the tears.
No friend touches your cheekbone
to wipe away the tears.

Our life is reflected in the rain,
hesitantly and rapidly falls on us.
And every drop is awareness
what could be... but what stays lost
Autor Jane Virgo, 27.11.2014
Přečteno 318x
Tipy 1
Poslední tipující: Lioness
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