Sluha dvou zivotu...

Sluha dvou zivotu...

Anotace: Sen architekta poezie

Mame tady dve kontradiktorni kvantove skutecnosti.
Absolutni relativni vedomi A bomby smrtelnosti
A detekci protoplazmatickeho suitu nesmrtelnosti.

Kompozice celsia hyperdesignualni ocni cocky
Kybeliin softwarovy mastergen dal porodit deutrina
Mezi Dr Poematiconem a Sci Poematicou je inverzivni tah

Namety na veskere sjednoceni mozkove exploze invariete
Soumrak ze tisicerou replikou vesmiru zapada ve slow mo
Kulisy maji delirantni afro fe ve fermionistickem poli

Prelidnene ostrovy levituji ve fraktalni stratosfere
Frankenstain se vydava do jungle odstranit nativitu kmene
Menetekel kelnych plastvi gluonu brooklynske noci

Dr Poematicon je mentalni disorder bomber estet
Termonuklearni mikrofonium a numismaticky deeptang
Vytvoris platonickou jeskyni pod milimetrem c beamu

Arangmenty relikty mentality logicke vazby viskonzovany
Zrychlena korespondence breakbeatu deutrin a mozkolyzy
Fragmentarni mosty touhy a rodidly deliranty existenty

Aberantni percepce za hranici post biologicke komprehence
Celestialni exoskeletony delici se atomarni leptoony eonu
Farmaceuticke shapery fotonovych lodi divadel mysli

Karminove vstupenky multigalakticke federace raveru rusticale
Kavalerie validnich vzorci narusena sepot antidoti titypaca
Hlavne paramedicke operace hlasy syzetu ruze holocaustu

Usta jaou obrezana manu tao singularita obvody leval dvacet ctyri
Dve a stiri nanotuberace se bavi o cybernaticke polymeraci
Astroplanetarni vize telekineticke observace cermaty holografia

Zeleny zlaty dest lyricke paprsky datastore permutace perspektivy
Zivot difraktivni robotivni paradox edox v xeroxu exuberace terminia
Terminaly divinorum konci v modre octagonalni kvetine

Srdce shori lidske nekonecno laska vecnost vize potlaceno
Cirkulace nudy rapsodii digitalni maniace direkce deprivace
Valencni obvody frustrace strasne astripace spaciarni fikce budoucnost..


Spiral epiphany of universal epiphenomen of matter
The words ability to mentalize project as object
As projection instand beams tangle triangilation

Spotlight of the mission conquering automator story
The bots uphill watch strangness of street apocalypse
The glimse of creation in every creative contraction

The book of mention microscopic lunacity of crist lucidity
City of darkness suburbs district seventeen bleeding paranoia
Units speeding for young mindbelts of telepatic killer

Levitating ship shaping recording orbits in glaze of methamfetamine
Mine sonic intention to write to the major truth iluminations
Of the mindless sequency of the gracious void in project eye lens polaroid

Big hoidy brother in fishetnet city from eagle wing on early transpotation energy
Toxic knowledge of first night to wax the ground zero formatic going
Hell of hierarchy engeniiring the wingspread tacticts segments range

Genoms of sinusoid eleven dimensionaly strings detonate titanium earinga
Nuclear shover of manic of quantum mechanics as mimic of crwatures
So viral virtues ipon river of heavy rain misseles mission of hashis club

No warfare of basdliness the nexus of flashing afterglow of smiles shaking kink kong
Advice of density dendrits milion fractal dentist as imagenetic cybernetwork
Terorist in the futurescope isolated the vision of radience star trek trenchswirl

Monumental colosal mentalist mountain sum beams glittering over wiev switch
Caon,navy symmon caves of versality sage genom nominal,eons as third night
Delirantly exubetant into the extatic aberance of exuberance existence

Never ending theritory of sparcling meaningfullness as scope of bearing slide the best
Hill the chest mysticism dawm on hill upons gods barcelona gate in frameeze
Mainframe banger city of seas people object timeless cathedral ocean nicknamess

Extra chilly sause orbits digital glitchmachines hearts lonely chains and bats of endophine
Hijacket hijacket hitchhaker in elevation moon crunch ranch train peak dermisile
Levitating on north my story imprinted light houses in capretons of saving kilotuns of visions

Let the science fiction be pray the day i sail into the bone of neckless path
As imagination of river mirrora shifhts the glitf energy lance and the tube
Bearings in the nightrain lightspeed,of dream dteadlocks of locker

Writing spittyfull down to the city with sea luminosity and curiosity
As for people the asyray of circulation of lifes and hights of poets sight
Verbal assalut of theosancthuate oncologist ontology asteroids plames

And down to the spectrum twisters wristlers of south hight light
Writing the seamingly explained rough touches of the forrest of shadows
Brave flavours of intime sadness in the town of fosiles of memories

Vibrations in train full of bubling vain society warning paying bill and fills in
The deep,of the systematic abyss in my desimal,album of life fermions of lyrics
Crystal experience i wrote in the faceless facets of the cosmical rays of himan cutting edge existence

Of tragedy sadness unforgetable angels in the toom of gravitating lights stacks edgy graves vertile fertile spontaneious mystetious snapshots of mainframe intimidating,the,bulv of horrifying rings,floscule reluctant fluctuating of,praysing thoughts of thy lands. :)

Autor Happyyz, 24.12.2015
Přečteno 637x
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