Too late

Too late

Anotace: As innocent reality lacks the romance I tend to imagine the doom and decay :-)... so it's just one of a common cliché at this place :o)

It's too late for spells of night
to walk around, side by side.
As a cranny slate is no longer bright
grief to joy noone can override.

Broken rings won't fit again
stolen feelings'll keep their stain.
Stop begging, you cut and drain
forgiving treason I find insane.

Autor Demedalex, 03.10.2008
Přečteno 279x
Tipy 4
Poslední tipující: Koskenkorva, Bíša, Romana Šamanka Ladyloba
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ehm. rytmus jakžtakž ale zkusil sis to říct nahlas? moc melodické to není, skřípe to. ahá, to je záměr, že jo? :-D

03.10.2008 15:37:00 | Maro Deives

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