The First Snowflake

The First Snowflake

Anotace: An older, optimistic one drawn from my archive... I think it was November then.

The First Snowflake (by Jan Elgroth Talvinen)


Once again I got the view

Of first snowflakes falling down

Of whiteness that suddenly grew

Round vales and meadows of the Crown


For that one moment I got a thought

Of purity in new-born child

Of kindness - one that never fought

In this world that's gone so wild


As long as I keep getting wiews

Of snowflakes - hope it brings to me

That even if our swords we drew

Doom is not our destiny...

Autor Elgroth, 27.03.2013
Přečteno 362x
Tipy 2
Poslední tipující: Adrilus
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